I grew alongside Harry since I was 12 years old. Bangladesh
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It wouldn't be stunt work if there wasn't an element of . According to Cosmopolitan, the pair decided to prank Daniel Radcliffe as Dumbledore walked through the hall with Snap as the students slept. With your monthly pledge of $1, you can interact with creators, suggest ideas for future posts, and enter exclusive swag giveaways! Montenegro
From a broom or through a wall, falling seems to happen a lot in Harry Potter. Germany
Christmas Island
Since Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Mailley has worked on every Harry Potter film. Recently, Harry Potter stuntman, Marc Mailley opened up about risky stunts like jumping off a 50-foot tower in the popular Voldemort battle scene. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
In 2009, the double stunt of Daniel Radcliffe He was hospitalized after being seriously injured during stunt filming on the set of the "Deathly Hallows" movie series in the Harry Potter series. North Korea
Updated April 8, 2021. Peru
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double was left paralyzed in "The Deathly Hallows: Part I" The fantasy series 'Harry Potter' is one of the most beloved franchises in the world. (h("stalePageView"),r("STALE PAGE VIEW")):(h("cachedPageView"),r("MOULDY PAGE VIEW")))}})})}function v(e){return encodeURIComponent(e||"")}function m(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"",t=arguments[1],n=document.querySelector("link[rel=manifest]");if(n){var r=t||n.href;return new Promise(function(t,n){caches.open(s.MANIFEST_CACHE_NAME+":"+e).then(function(e){e.match(r).then(function(n){n?t(n):fetch(r).then(function(n){e.put(r,n.clone()),t(n.clone())})})}).catch(function(e){return n(e)})}).then(function(e){return e.json().then(function(e){return e})})}}n.default=function(e,t,n){var a=function(){};if("serviceWorker"in navigator){try{e=JSON.parse(e)}catch(t){e=e||{}}if(!e.debug)try{e.debug=new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("pwaDebug")}catch(e){}(0,u.default)(window.indexedDB,e,n);var s="/service-worker.js?v=4bd35006110c8b784c81b089f61238e9";e.debug&&(s+="&pwaDebug="+e.debug,a=function(e){window.console.log("[TM PWA] "+e)}),e.cacheFirst&&(s+="&cacheFirst=true"),e.offlineSupport&&(s+="&offlineSupport=true"),t&&(s=s+"&pushDisplayService="+t+"&vap="+v(n.vapidKey)+"&a="+v(n.appKey)+"&t="+v(n.token)+"&i="+v());var l=void 0;if(e.scope&&(l={scope:e.scope}),window.sessionStorage.setItem("swUrl",s),navigator.serviceWorker.register(s,l).then(function(){a("Service worker registered successfully");var e="n !function (n, t, c, e, u) { n function r(n) { try { f = n(u) } catch (n) { return h = n, void i(p, n) } i(s, f) } n function i(n, t) { for (var c = 0; c < n.length; c++)d(n[c], t); } n function o(n, t) { return n && (f ? Get the news you want straight to your inbox. The 25-year-old was rehearsing a flying sequence using a harness when he was sent . David Holmes who has been Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double throughout all eight installments of the "Harry Potter" franchise was seriously injured during filming the final installment in 2009. n { appKey: '"+n.appKey+"', n token: '"+n.token+"', n vapidPublicKey: '"+n.vapidKey+"', n websitePushId: 'web.com.reach.all',n workerUrl: '"+s+"' })",t=document.createElement("script");t.innerHTML=e,document.body.appendChild(t);var r=new Event("airship.sdk.snippet.loaded");window.dispatchEvent(r)},function(t){e.debug&&(a("Service worker registration failed"),a(t))}),e.offlineSupport&&navigator.onLine){(0,o.default)(window.indexedDB,function(e){h("attemptedPageViews",e)});var m=(0,r.offlineLandingTracking)();m&&h("offlineLandingPageViews",m)}if(e.cacheFirst&&e.cacheFirst.useCachedHtml&&(navigator.serviceWorker.controller||e.cacheFirst&&e.cacheFirst.force)){var p=document.querySelector("main");if(p)g(p,e.cacheFirst,{clog:a});else{var E=new MutationObserver(function(){var t=document.body;t&&(E.disconnect(),(E=new MutationObserver(function(){var t=document.querySelector("main");t&&(g(t,e.cacheFirst,{clog:a}),E.disconnect())})).observe(t,{childList:!0}))});E.observe(document.documentElement,{childList:!0})}}else d("none",{clog:a});e.offlineSupport&&(0,c.default)(e.offlineSupport,e.scope),window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches&&(h("pwaPageView"),document.documentElement.setAttribute("tm-pwa",e.scope||"https://www.mirror.co.uk/")),!0===window.navigator.standalone&&f&&(h("iOSPwaPageView"),document.documentElement.setAttribute("tm-pwa",e.scope||"https://www.mirror.co.uk/"),i.default.delegate(document.body,"a","click",function(e){var t=e.target.getAttribute("href");window.history.pushState({},"",t),location.replace(t)},{preventDefault:!0})),window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase("1"),window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase("cacheStatus")}else d("none",{clog:a})},n.analytics=h,n.getManifest=m,n.cookie=function(e,t){var n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:2,r=new Date;r.setTime(r.getTime()+24*n*60*60*1e3),document.cookie=e+"="+t+";expires="+r.toUTCString()+";path=/"},n.urlBase64ToUint8Array=s.urlBase64ToUint8Array,n.validate=function(e,t){var n=t||"";if(!e)return{homepage:n};var r=void 0;try{r=JSON.parse(document.getElementById("manifest-validation").getAttribute("content"))}catch(e){return null}var o=e.filter(function(e){return r.url&&r.url.includes(e.homepage)}),a=e.filter(function(e){return r.primaryTag&&r.primaryTag===e.tag}),i=e.filter(function(e){return r.tags&&r.tags.includes(e.tag)});if(1===o.length)return o[0];if(1===a.length)return a[0];if(1===i.length)return i[0];var c=e.filter(function(e){return e.scope===n});return c.length>0?c[0]:"string"==typeof t? Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double has suffered serious spinal injuries on the set of the latest Harry Potter film. Ecuador
Saint Martin
The unnamed 25-year-old suffered horrific injuries after a flying sequence using a harness went wrong, and the blast - which was part of the stunt - caused him to plummet to the ground. My stunt co-ordinator grabbed my . Holmes' career as a stunt double came to a tragic end when he broke his neck during a flying scene which resulted in him becoming paralyzed from . Thailand
He was spotted as a potential Radcliffe double by stunt co-ordinator Greg Powell who he met just before the series started and was asked to do a broomstick test. It is such a treat to be a part of the best book club any Harry Potter fan could ask for. Stunt work is no joke. It was only discovered that it was a false alarm when Daniel was pulled out of the water. Panama
Answer (1 of 10): Brandon Lee on the set of "The Crow" in 1993. And don't get why the tone of the movie matters. Costa Rica
Kimberly Ricci Twitter Film/TV Editor. He said he sometimes gets flashbacks from the accident while he is drifting off to sleep, but it’s something he’s learnt to “live with and manage”. Saint Helena
“I looked into his eyes and that’s when I realised what happened was major. . While filming the eight films with hundreds of cast members coming and going, it's fair to say countless things went wrong. influences press coverage. Tragically while filming this scene, he hit a bridge and died instantly. Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double in the Harry Potter films, who was paralysed by a horrific accident while practising a flying scene for the blockbuster film, has opened up about his first reaction . In another incident, David Holmes who has been Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double throughout all eight installments of the "Harry Potter" franchise was seriously injured during filming the . Aged 14, he was asked to be the body-double for a young actor playing Will Robinson in 1998 sci-fi movie Lost in Space, starring William Hurt and Matt Le Blanc. We are awaiting further news. “Out of respect for the family we are unable to comment further.”, Recalling the horror accident, Holmes said: “I hit the wall and then landed on the crash mat underneath. The guy was rigged up to a harness for the scene and was flying through the air. Bulgaria
During the shooting of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Holmes fell from a height after being knocked into a wall by a staged explosion. Luxembourg
Amazingly the scene was kept in the movie, edited to remove the final tragic incident. Czech Republic
d(n, f) : s.push(n)), t && (h ? Mali
You might be interested: Dmv accident report oregon. Namibia
Ivory Coast
Each film was more popular than the last as they steadily grew darker and more action-packed. Something went wrong, please try again later. Equatorial Guinea
“I remember slipping in and out of consciousness because of the pain levels. Monaco
Papua New Guinea
Posted by u/[deleted] 7 . Nauru
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United States
But it was then he received heartbreaking news – he was paralysed from the chest down, with only limited movement in his arms and hands. Malaysia
XXX. When stunt performer David Holmes, who had doubled for Daniel Radcliffe on all eight of the Harry Potter movies, was seriously injured rehearsing a flying scene for the final chapter in 2009, his . Turkey
He was Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double, and he broke his neck and is paralyzed. Gabon
Some were really bad, some were pretty funny. It all began when David was just 14 & was hired as a stunt double for a movie named 'Lost . The first word spoken by Harry Potter is in the second chapter and is “Nearly”. He was rehearsing a flying scene which involved an explosion and it seems to have gone badly wrong. Swaziland
Former gymnast David Holmes was Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double on every Harry Potter film - until an accident rehearsing an aerial explosion stunt for Deathly Hallows left him paralyzed from the waist down. TIL that Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double, David Holmes, was paralysed while performing a stunt for The Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2009) Movies. 9.0k. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
South Africa
Daniel Radcliffe has a net worth of around $110 million. “‘I have gone from being able to stand on my hands for half an hour at a time and then all of a sudden I can’t sit up in bed,” he told The Mirror. Croatia
Unfortunately, during rehearsals for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows . Albania
Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double was left quadriplegic, iirc, during the Deathly Hallows 2 filming. The podcast finds the two former collaborators . Egypt
Harry Potter stunt double on surviving 50-foot high falls, almost drowning with Daniel Radcliffe, and danger of feeling 'invincible' Comment Louise Griffin Wednesday 31 Mar 2021 3:00 pm Tragically the iconic Hogwarts Express train which waits for its students on a secret magical platform in London's King Cross station was vandalised twice during filming. Republic of the Congo
I had quite a lot of weird feelings about it because obviously, my friend should have been doing it at the time, and not me. Kenya
The Kids Of Harry Potter Behind The Scenes: 25 Pics. Daniel Radcliffe had Harry's lightweight bolt scar applied 2000 times! Faroe Islands
But Emma got a little carried away and ended up punching her co-star in the face - which was captured brilliantly (Sorry, Tom). Netherlands
Marc is best known for being a stunt double for Daniel Radcliffe as Boy Wizard on the Deathly Hallows films. Gibraltar
6. “As soon as they sat me up and I took the weight of my head into my shoulders it was just horrendous. Philippines
We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. don't give a shit about what happened to that stuntman. United Kingdom
Daniel Radcliffe has launched a new podcast series titled "Cunning Stunts" alongside his longtime "Harry Potter" stunt double David Holmes. Aland Islands
Radcliffe later hosted a celebrity charity auction and dinner to raise money for Holmes’s medical bills, and the pair are still close. Grenada
Whizzing around on broomsticks, flying motorbikes and fighting in the Triwizard Tournament, he wasn’t just starring in one of the biggest film franchises of all time, he was having fun doing it. David Holmes served as Radcliffe's stunt double for much of the franchise. The star ended her speech with: "Rest in peace, Millie. El Salvador
It occurred while practising stunts for . Niger
Close. It just caught us off guard. Japan
East Timor
It Takes Two's Rylan shows off new teeth after having infamous veneers replaced, They've been his trademark for almost a decade, but Rylan Clark's iconic gnashers are no more. The double, a 25.year.old man, became disabled from the waist down after suffering a significant back injury. We ended up clashing heads at 55-foot [sic], which didn’t work out too well for him. "unchanged":"fresh",{clog:r}),h("cacheFirstPageView")}).catch(function(){d("cached",{clog:r}),h("cacheFirstPageView"),r("CACHED PAGE VIEW"),navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message",function(e){if(e.origin===location.origin){var t=e.data;t&&"NEW_VERSION"===t.message&&t.url===location.href&&(o!==t.contentHash? Singapore
The Leaky Cauldron, a news website for Harry Potter fans, reported that youngsters smashed several windows with the train's emergency hammers. In 2020, he started recording a podcast with Radcliffe called Cunning Stunts, interviewing other stunt actors and trying to raise awareness about the risks they face. Georgia
David Holmes was left paralysed after a stunt went wrong, Things nearly went so wrong while filming this scene, The Hogwarts Express was vandalised twice, 11-year-old Emma's hamster Millie died on set, The set of Hogwarts caught in fire in Deathly Hallows, Emma was meant to slap her co-star Tom but punched him in the moment instead, Michael and Alan had a little too much fun filming this scene, Subscribe to Daily Star and Daily Star On Sunday newspapers, Murder, curses and surgery complications - All the Harry Potter cast who have died, Naked exposés, co-star break-ups and regret – Where are the Twilight cast now, The Simpsons, Disney and Casper – Meet the female stars who played male characters, Banned films, racial stereotypes and Nazis – Disney's biggest ever controversies. Trinidad and Tobago
Solomon Islands
One stunt in particular hits home for Mailley - the Nagini attack in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. When David Holmes was hired as Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double in the Harry Potter films, he thought he'd landed the role of a lifetime. Bhutan
It had quite a lot of meaning to it because it was the stunt that my friend was doing when he had the accident, so it was quite a strange one to do. “I found myself in this wonderful studio strapped to the back of a truck, getting towed down the runway, dragging my feet along the floor in front of Chris Columbus, the director,” he said. So that was quite a strange stunt to perform after what happened. The insider said: “The stunt double was badly hurt. “It was hard for my parents to hear but it was important to me to have that control. “I took control of the situation quite early on. Niue
It's almost impossible to picture Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) and Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) pulling a prank but it happened. So it's serious, it can be; as much as it's fun and games. He spent six months in hospital, and as his muscles had almost wasted away was unable to sit up for weeks. Thankfully, none of the main cast was present, but 100 crew members were there and it took 40 minutes to put the fire out. (r(document,t),r(window,"load")):"interactive"===document.readyState&&r(document,t),document.addEventListener?n(document,t,e):n(window,"load",e)},fire:function(e,t,n){var o;n=n||{},document.createEvent? Sundance has seen its share of both rapturous and disastrous movie premieres, but few big openings in recent memory have produced the sort of hyper- polarized - and downright guttural - reactions that Swiss Army Man elicited this past January. San Marino
From jumping from a 50-foot tower in the final Battle of Hogwarts to falling from a broomstick entangled in a wire, Marc Mailley discusses his career as a stuntman in the Harry Potter films with Metro. He was only 25 when the mishap occurred, and, though he talks about how he . Afghanistan
4. All rights reserved. “At the first physio lesson they sit you up, put a foam cushion behind you and you are just struggling to find your balance. Former gymnast David Holmes was Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double on every Harry Potter film - until an accident rehearsing an aerial explosion stunt for Deathly Hallows left him paralyzed from the waist down. Mailley recalls jumping off of a tower for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, which caused Voldemort’s stunt double to suffer a concussion. Mailley has also made a career as an assistant stunt coordinator for films such as Justice League, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, and Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Dominica
April 22, 2007 – The first trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix premieres for international movie audiences. We thought we were probably quite invincible at the time because we’ve done some very big stunts, and unfortunately, the one he got injured on, you probably wouldn’t think it’s one of our bigger stunts that we’ve done as a team. He was performing an aerial sequence when he fell to the ground following an explosion, which was part of the stunt, and sustained a serious back injury. While filming the underwater scenes in Goblet of Fire which sees Harry take on the deadly Hogwarts waters during the Triwizard Tournament things almost got out of hand. Suriname
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
David Holmes, a stunt double for the film's star, Daniel Radcliffe, remains in hospital with a serious back injury after the accident on January 28th. : federal minister, Army bars vaccine refusers from promotions and reenlistment as deadline approaches, Biden Transfers Power To Harris While Undergoing Medical Procedure, Rev. But one day in 2009, as Holmes was filming on his sixth film in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, everything changed in an instant. On January 28, 2009, the 25-year-old former gymnast stepped in for Daniel for a tricky flying scene in Deathly Hallows. Mozambique
Through the years, Mailley has encountered injuries himself, including two knee reconstructions. Heard Island and McDonald Islands
J.K. Rowling is a hero to fans across the globe, and her work has inspired not only an entire movie franchise, but also theme parks, set recreations, and an ever-growing online fan club. Daniel ended up having to be rescued by the scuba divers training him after he apparently got the common signals for scuba diving confused. Honduras
While working on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, Holmes was tragically injured in a stunt accident which left him paralyzed.
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